I know right! Platform boots in May? Check this out though because there's a method to my madness! Now that I am older ... my mindset, shopping habits, and coins have become of value. I try not to splurge out of control like I used to. I love a good sale and I find em, or usually I won't buy! Get into it! These “booties” are comfortable, so cute, and can be paired with a number of outfit choices & styles. The store I purchased from has the same exact boot style in black but they are not marked down enough for me just yet however, I am constantly on the lookout! My tights were only $9 btw.

Quick Tip: Purchase clothing and shoes 1-2 months after they have launched (sometimes in different seasons) to catch the sale price if you do not mind wearing items out of season (I personally don't care). You do take the risk of the item being gone waiting so long but what is meant to be yours will be! So, look at it in that way. I started shopping smarter, finding myself monitoring sites and stores more often than I want to. In the spring/summer buy all of your fall/winter clothes and vice versa.
Retail Price: $100
Sales Price: $56
Thank you!❤️
These shoes are hot!