Future+Drake said it best: Life is good! We at least want it to get that way. So, give yourself life! We all have been there before: wanted that job or promotion, wanted to do better, wanted to start that business, wanted that relationship, that house, wanted to go to school, wanted to make better choices. It's not too late! Paper and pen (a journal) is your best friend, or your "Notes" section in your phone for all your thoughts. Communicate with yourself, define peace and direction within.
A personal and spiritual "glow-up" journey is needed? When you display and are truthful about your life to-do list, things get accomplished efficiently as you are constantly being reminded of what needs to be accomplished next. Paint a picture, write things down, and display a full list to better your life choices. Take control and be reasonable with yourself. Be yourself!
Take control over your life, with no outside influences. Move at your own pace, slow down when moving too fast. Is there repetition? Why am I in this position? How will I move forward? Am I doing the right thing? Break generational curses. In your heart, you'll feel what is right.