Debt, credit cards, credit scores, loans, saving, budgeting. Makes my head hurt but it is important!

What makes me feel financially comfortable? My savings and I should feel comfortable enough to go out and buy anything that I desire all within reason (tennis shoes, sunglasses, jeans, home decor). For some, it can be hard to become financially responsible especially when you see things ... we all love nice things! I also make it a habit to check my accounts every morning for any errors or fraud.
Budgeting: I save! I made a monthly bill chart (found on Pinterest) and I added all of my bills to it that is dispalyed on my refrigerator to remind me of my priorities, then I can have fun with my hard-earned money. This puts things in perspective as I am able to visualize the total amount of money I earned and spent. Research: Dave Ramsey (introduced to him in my accounting class my senior year) and purchased two of his books since then. I eat and cook at home more to save money. Save money and use an app or write it all down, old-school style (I have to see things on paper). Do you consult with your financial advisor, what do they advise?
Credit Cards: I started off with a credit union credit card with a very small limit when I turned 18 to test my responsibility. I love my good ol' credit cards but they are deadly and I try not to use them unless I have an emergency. Credit card interest rates (percentage) can sneak up on you too. However, credit cards show responsible lending. Some offer cash back and other rewards.
Debt/Loans: Don't avoid, talk with companies about what you are willing to pay based off your personal budget even if it is a small amount. They just want us to pay something.
Scores: Credit scores tend to flucuate depending on the individual, history, purchases, and applications. I try to use only 10% of my credit limit and pay more than what I owe (more than the minimum, if possible).