Mind your mental! Feed your mind. Let's talk mental health and check-in with yourself & others.
Quote: "I do not fix my problems. I fix my thinking. Then problems fix themselves." -Louise Hay
Message: Things will be fine. Address+adjust to stressors. All folks (Black, White, etc.) have issues.
Confession #1: Things still feel different. Weather (emotion/feeling) check-in: sunny, rainy, cloudy?

Put your mental health 1st! Decompress. Take care of yourself in every single way possible: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, socially, psychologically, behaviorally, and cognitively. The words "mental health" can mean so many different things and some do not understand this. This does not mean that you are crazy at all if someone mentions those two words to you or has questions about your mental health. They want to know how you feel as a person (inside and out) at this point and what’s going on? In the past, I have worked with and advocated for a number of individuals who experienced domestic violence and sexual assault, hospice patients plus their grieving families, co-occurring mental health illnesses diagnosis and substance abuse, along with child advocacy where each group mentioned may require/need different things but they all can relate in a number of ways as well (so, you are not alone). Side note: Because I have worked with a number of clients/patients/families, I tend to pick-up on more than what I want to at times lol.
Check-in: Current mood, use one word? It's the exhaustion for me as I cannot seem to stop and take a break. What is your outlet and is it healthy? Recently, I treat myself to facials, meditate, pray, blast my gospel songs, take a long bath, or read for self-care because it is so calming. What are you going through right now and why? We all are going through the COVID-19 pandemic (for almost a year now) and this change will always make us feel some kind of way unless/until we get back to normal but we can still manage in the meantime for sure!
So ... I am about to state the obvious here, that emotions are at an all-time high right now: some are super excited about their new life adventures, arrangements, and accommodations while some attempt to adjust to just keeping well/healthy as human beings (plus taking other health precautions and remaining aware). Wash your hands btw! Also, lately, I am constantly seeing that people are just not "feeling it" or not feeling like themselves lately so it must be hitting people all at once! Sometimes we all need that “push” from others & ourselves to keep pushing! This too shall pass.
Confession #2: Guess what? Yes, I am a young professional, a black female, and I love my therapist! I love my therapist because she can relate and understand me on so many different levels. There is nothing going terribly wrong with me or in my life (it doesn’t have to be anything going wrong at all) but I do feel that it is healthy to engage with someone other than close family and friends if you have that choice. If you currently do not have a therapist get you one try one out! You will thank yourself later (even if you have a good support system like myself). I can only be honest and transparent at this moment: I check-in with my therapist 1X/month and it gives me such a breather. I think of it as girl chat! I used to be sooooo against seeing a therapist until I went to school (I started to study psychology, family life education, and social work) where I began to fully understand the benefits of counseling, therapy, and how the mind works which affects your behavior. Life is truly about a good balance and self-love! Take advantage of the online and free community resources you have. It's completely your business and responsibility to take care.
Confession #3: Let’s do better! Be open! Some of us are raised to keep it all in and fight through because we’re afraid of how it may make us look. The Black community especially, must become more open about mental health in general and discussing it. This includes: pain, emotions, trauma, feelings, triggers, even childhood experiences, environmental and family factors, cultural influences, other exposure, and overall thought processes. Think hard on what has impacted you and how you can make changes, if need be? Take mental health quizzes, assessments, evaluations, call crisis hotlines and seek med advice, if necessary! You know exactly what your mind needs but it’s more about action and ways of expression. We’re all human — the mightiest men can cry, the bossiest women can cry. You are loved!
When you read this I hope that you are having either a ...
Spectacular/Spirited Sunday!
Magical Monday!
Terrific Tuesday!
Wonderful Wednesday!
Thrilling Thursday!
Fantastic Friday!
Sensational Saturday!
I hope this touched at least one person today!
I am sending love and light your way as always!